RedFOX Container Update

All Branches
20 January 2021
RedFOX Container Update

RedFOX Container Update

Container congestion issues continue to affect both Import and Export operations at Port and Container parks whether these be empty for dehire and or full awaiting to be collected and devanned. The container supply chain has many components to it and RedFOXs Air & Ocean services are part of this chain.

Whilst we continue to deliver the best service we can there are many services of the supply chain we have no control over. These other service providers continue to message through their publications and websites their current performance and capability levels of their services. Whilst we aim to keep you updated on the current service issues, we highly recommend you also pay regular visits to their websites to keep yourselves well informed.

Additional charges from shipping lines associated to container use must be controlled and discussed with your provider as soon as you can see a potential delay. RedFOX cannot be held liable for additional charges you incur as a result of the container congestion issues. If you have any concerns please contact your RedFOX Account Manager Rob Thompson.

Some External websites to use for updates are-

Ports of Melbourne -


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